Core Values

Rutledge Baptist Church members commit to pursue a life that demonstrates the following core values, believing that these things characterize the life God created us to live.


We believe the Bible to be the inspired Word of God and contains everything necessary for salvation. The Scriptures reveal principles and truths that give guidance to all of life and serve as the foundation in the midst of changing times.


All people everywhere are created in the image of God. We believe we were made for relationships where we care for each other, support each other, and serve one another. As we enter into community with each other, we experience God's presence and open our lives to true transformation.


The most important calling in life is to love God with our whole being-heart, soul, mind and strength. The journey of faith is about offering ourselves to God as an expression of our love for Him. This giving of ourselves fully to God is the ultimate act of worship.


We believe that God wants to transform us from the inside out to be more like Jesus Christ. We believe that the salvation Jesus offers is the only hope for humanity and our world. This transformation can only occur as we surrender ourselves to God and his work in us.


We believe that followers of Christ are to be a compelling force for good in the world, relieving suffering, fighting injustice, and demonstrating compassion. As we care for our world through serving, the world experiences the love and care of our God.